Redesign of the original Nodus hacked client for Minecraft. MultiOS support – works on Windows, Linux and Mac.
Controls / how to use Nodus
Y = Menu / GUI
U = Console
- Aimbot
- AntiRain
- AutoArmor
- AutoMine
- AutoSword
- AutoTool
- AutoWalk
- BowAimbot
- Breadcrumbs
- Brightness
- Build
- ChestESP
- ClickAimbot
- Criticals
- Day
- FastPlace
- Flight
- ForceField
- Freecam
- HighJump
- MobESP
- NameTags
- NoFall
- Nuker
- Paralyze
- PlayerESP
- ProphuntESP
- Regen
- SafeWalk
- Sneak
- Spider
- Sprint
- Step
- Taco
- Timer
- Tracers
- Unpushable