FabooPack Resource Pack

FabooPack Resource Pack

FabooPack has some modern aspects, nothing too futuristic though. Lightweight, but aiming for warm and bright colors and semi-realistic textures without grain. In-game Screenshots Nice and smooth textures. Comparison between the default vanilla Minecraft resource pack and FabooPack It is recommended …

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Lithos Resource Pack

Lithos Resource Pack for Minecraft 1.8

Another popular resource pack, this one with a twist: new better 3D models! The Lithos Resource Pack brings a new look to Minecraft and gives certain models a new better 3D look, models such as ladders, doors, bookshelves and so on. …

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Broken Anachronism Resource Pack for Minecraft 1.7

What is an anachronism? From wikipedia: “An anachronism (from the Greek ἀνά ana, “against” and χρόνος khronos, “time”), is a chronological inconsistency in some arrangement, especially a juxtaposition of person(s), events, objects, or customs from different periods of time. The …

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