Bed |  | Wool + Wooden Planks | Used to change time from night to day. In SMP, all players in the Overworld must be in beds. Also changes the spawn point of the player, but compasses remains unaffected until you die and respawn. |
Book |  | Paper + Leather | Used to create book and quills, bookshelfs or an enchantment table. |
Book and Quill |  | Book + Inc Sac + Feather | Books that players can write in, read and edit. |
Carpet |  | Wool | Carpets are thin like pressure plates and can be used as floor decoration. The color of the wool determines the carpet color. |
Cobblestone Wall |  | Cobblestone or Moss Stone | Decorative block that acts in a similar way to fences. |
Ender Chest |  | Obsidian + Eye of Ender | Used for storage like normal chests. All contents of the chest are put into all Ender Chests created, which means they access the same storage. The contents are localised to the player in SMP. If the ender chest is destroyed, none of its contents will be |
Eye of Ender |  | Ender Pearl + Blaze Powder | Used to locate Strongholds, repair an End Portal bloc and craft Ender Chests. When thrown, they float towards the direction of a portal, which appear in strongholds. After a few seconds, it will drop with a chance of breaking. |
Fence |  | Sticks | Used as a barrier that players and mobs cannot jump over, with the exception of spiders and spider jockeys. It is 1½ blocks high for mobs and players, but only 1 to other blocks. |
Fence Gate |  | Sticks + Wood Planks | Fence gates serves as a door for a row of fences. They can be opened both inward and outwards. They are opened by right-clicking or with a redstone signal. |
Fire Charge |  | Blaze Powder + Coal + Gunpowder | Fire Charges can be used as a instead of flint and steel. Left click on an open area and a fire will start. Can also be used as ammunition for dispensers, where they will shot out as a fireball. |
Firework Rocket |  | Gunpowder + Paper + Firework Star | Firework that can be launched into the sky and explore. Adding more gunpowder increases the duration of the rocket. Up to three gunpowder can be used. Multiple firework stars can also be used, in which case all will go off simultaneously when the rocket d |
Firework Star |  | Gunpowder + Dye + Extra ingredient (optional) | Used to create firework rockets. The dye determines the colour of the firework, and the extra ingredient determines a special effect. Extra ingredient can for example be diamonds, gold nuggets or a mob head. |
Flower Pot |  | Bricks | Used as decoratives. Allows flowers, mushrooms, saplings, cacti, ferns and dead bushes to be placed in it. |
Glass Panes |  | Glass | Glass Panes is a block that, can be shaped in similar way to fences. Their placement behavior is similar to Redstone, Iron Bars, and Fences. They have the same texture as Glass. They cannot currently be placed horizontally. |
Gold Ingot |  | Gold Nuggets | Gold is used in several crafting recipes, e.g. tools and armors. |
Iron Bars |  | Iron Ingots | Similar to fences. They are only counted as 1 block high, instead of 1.5 blocks. |
Item Frame |  | Sticks + Leather | Used as decoration. Blocks or items can be placed inside the frame by right clicking the frame with the item selected. |
Ladder |  | Sticks | Used for climbing walls. You can climb either horizontally or vertically. To climb safely, you can sneak while climbing (hold shift). |
Lead |  | String + Slimeball | Leads or leashes, can be used to tie up non aggressive mobs. Can be tied to more than one unit at the same time. |
Melon Block |  | Melon Slices | Grown when farming by planting melon seed. Can not be eaten, but can be used to store melon slices. |
Mineral Block |  | Gold Ingots or Iron Ingost or Diamond Gems or Lapis Lazuli Dyes or Emeralds or Redstone or Coal | Turns minerals into a placeable block. Can be used for expensive building block or storage. |
Minerals |  | Iron Block or Gold Block or Diamond Block or Emerald Block or Block of Redstone or Lapis Lazuli Block. | Separates a block into individual gems, ingots or dyes. |
Nether Brick Fence |  | Nether Bricks | Used as a barrier that players and mobs cannot jump over, with the exception of spiders and spider jockeys. It is 1.5 blocks high for mobs and players, but only 1 to other blocks. Nether Brick Fence cannot be set on fire like wood fence. |
Painting |  | Sticks + Wool | Images used as decoration. Paintings can only be placed on flat, vertical surfaces. An easy way to get a painting to fill up an area is to mark the bounds with any solid block and place it in the bottom left corner. |
Paper |  | Sugar Cane | Used as crafting material to create maps, compass and books. |
Sign |  | Wood Planks + Stick | Can display a text. Text can be 4 lines, 15 characters per line. To change the text, destroy the sign and place it again. Placed in the ground or on walls. |
Stained Glass |  | Glass + Dye | Stained Glass is the dyed version of regular glass that can be used for decoration purposes. |