Have you ever played Minecraft and wished that you could experience a Minecraft-themed theme park in real life? If so, you will have to wait until someone builds one, but until then, here’s a very cool, fun, and interactive digital version!

FunLand 3 is one of the best theme park maps ever made for Minecraft, and it is full of awesome rides, shops, amusements, and general theme park awesomeness.

It has been steadily improved and developed since the first FunLand, with number3 being the most expansive expansion to this world.
The map features over 100 attractions, among them 36 roller coasters, 25 other amusements, and 17 water rides! That is not counting the many restaurants, souvenir stands, and other fun little theme park things.
There is also plenty of secrets to be found in this map, perfect for the intrepid explorer, and the creator of the map has even made a very detailed and cool back story for many of the rides as well as the park itself.
It is almost like being there in real life, except a lot more blocky, less realistic, and dying won’t kill you permanently, so not really like being there in real life, but still loads of fun!

FunLand itself is only part of this map, as version 3 adds new clues to the mysterious origins of FunLand, about its mysterious owners, and the dark secrets found within, all waiting to be found.

In the READ ME FIRST.txt file found in the download you will find all the “rules” for this map, but here is a smaller summarize of them:
- Play on peaceful difficulty as mobs and animals can screw with the redstone and other parts of the mabs.
- You may take minor damage on some rides, but there are plenty of golden apples found in the First Aid stations on the map.
- If you come across and animals in the park, please remove them, as they may interfere with the rides.
- Carts may not be placed correctly in some places, the correct placement for a cart on a ride is on a sloped booster track.
- If you are playing this map in multiplayer, please only use rides one at a time, as you will not be able to complete the ride if you collide with other players on it. To reset, remove your cart, locate the nearest booster track, and give yourself a running start to it.
- FunLand is big, so if you get lost, consult the map found bundled with the download.

How to install the FunLand 3 Adventure Map:
- Download the map.
- Go to your %appdata%/.minecraft folder.
- Open the “saves” folder.
- Unzip the map you downloaded, and put the unzipped folder into the saves folder.
- That should do it, FunLand 3 should now be installed and ready to be played, enjoy!

Here is a trailer for the map: