Gloria Adventure Map for Minecraft 1.7.2/1.6.4


The Gloria Adventure Map is a Lost-inspired Adventure Map that puts you in the shoes of a shipwreck survivor who awakens in the wrecked ship after being in a coma for several days.

You soon find your fellow crewmembers, who have set up a little village on this mysterious island, and they all require your help in one way or the other. After a while you discover that this island is far more mysterious than first assumed, and it holds its shares of secrets. It is up to you to find out what!

Gloria Adventure Map for Minecraft

Gloria is another masterful adventure map, made with impressive use of command blocks and redstone, to deliver a nice narrative of surviving a shipwreck, and then finding the secrets of the island. The story is delivered both through command blocks, but also extensive use of signs.

Gloria Adventure Map

The map is supposed to be played by 1 player, it might be possible to play it in multiplayer, but it is not recommended.

The rules of the map are as follows:

  • Play the mad in Adventure Mode
  • Do not break “glass-type” blocks, anything else is fair game (examples of “glass-type” blocks are shown in the beginning of the map)
  • Do not break redstone unless otherwise told
  • Do not loot “locked chests” (such as dispensers), any other containers are yours for the taking
  • Play on at least easy difficulty
  • Do not use any mods, hacks or cheats that alther the gameplay
  • You must only place levers on gold blocks and buttons on diamond blocks
  • Use the provided resource pack, it is necessary in parts of the map
  • Enjoy!

Gloria Adventure Map

The provided download contains background music to be played at certain points in the map (signs will tell you when), as well as the map, the resource pack required by the map and a readme.txt that explains things should you be in doubt.

In the beginning you will be placed in an instruction level that explains more about the map and its gameplay, the rules, how certain things work and so on, so do not skip this.

Gloria Adventure Map

How to install the Gloria Adventure Map:

  • Download the map.
  • Go to your %appdata%/.minecraft folder.
  • Open the “saves” folder.
  • Unzip the map you downloaded and put the unzipped “~Gloria~ World (Copy to saves!)” folder into the saves folder.
  • Put the .zip file called “~Gloria~ Resource Pack (Copy to resourcepacks!).zip” into your resource pack folder
  • Thats it – enjoy exploring this lost island and see if you can unlock its secrets!

Here is a video of the map by Yoggcast:

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