Do you love winter? Ice? Frozen wastelands? Perhaps even frozen ice wastelands, with SPIKES? Then this Ice Spikes Seed is perfect for you!
Seed info
Seed ID: 85490543201
World Type: Default
Spawn: X: 241 / Y: 70 / Z: 248
Minecraft version: Minecraft 1.8.1+ (tested in Minecraft 1.8.3)

When you spawn in this seed, you will find yourself smack dab in the middle of a frozen wasteland full of large ice spikes, with opportunity knocking at every corner! You can make snowmen right away, build igloos, climb the frozen ice spikes, and try to survive the harsh temperature, deadly wasteland, and unforgiving lifestyle this fantastic area offers. Alternatively, you could trek south towards the beach.
Moving south from spawn and past the beach, you’ll find an ocean monument slightly below the surface, full of loot probably, and deadly guardians, so you probably shouldn’t venture out there too soon, gearing up first would probably be a good idea.

North from spawn is more ice, snow, and frozen-ness, but also a rather cool ice chasm with lava pouring out of one of the sides, it looks pretty great.

Although there is not much more interesting things in the way of temples with loot, villages, or other “useful” things, it does have some rather beautiful sights, such as a cool frozen beachfront.

Plenty of frozen forests are also to be found, plenty of trees, ripe for getting cut down, and provide you with the precious and very useful wood.

East of spawn, if you move far enough, you will end up in a damp marsh, which some might find to be a more suitable area to build a base, or maybe a summer home away from all the cold, snow, and ice.

Should you decide to move east, you will likely also stumble upon a pretty cool mountain with a hole straight through it which looks kind of cool.

That some of the more interesting things to be found in the immediate vicinity of the spawn, and as you probably noticed, the main attraction of this is the ice spikes and the ocean monument. Check it out if you want, the ice spikes biome is somewhat rare, so its nice to have a seed with them right at the beginning.