If you love witches, or their huts at least, then this is the perfect seed for you, because it features a whole heap of them! The first bunch are found right next to spawn, and they’re positioned in almost a perfect square right next to each other, so they are not hard to miss!
Here is an Amidst map of the seed, giving you a nice overview of the map.
Seed info
Seed ID: 318041875063143073
World Type: Default
Spawn: X: 218.5 / Y: 63 / Z: 148.5
Minecraft version: Minecraft 1.8+ (tested in Minecraft 1.8.3)
From the very first hut, the other 3 are almost completely visible, so missing them should’t be a possibility.

The second is on a small hill, partially hidden behind a tree when looking at it from the others positions.

The third is out in the marsh, again, partially hidden by trees again, but still hard to miss. Additionally, this one has a herd of sheep living right next to it.

Finally, the fourth of the first bunch can be found in the middle of the swamp, surrounded by water, it is probably the one that is hardest to miss.

You can also find two NPC villages pretty close to spawn, although they unfortunately doesn’t contain much in the way of loot, but they are available for trading, as well as easy access to food. You can find some apples, and some iron boots at the blacksmith, but that is pretty much it. It is located near yet another witch hut though.

The fifth witch hut seemingly has a sheep as the sole inhabitant, and is located near the first NPC village, both of which can be found east of spawn.

The sixth, and final witch hut found in the area surrounding spawn is also found in the middle of a marsh, surrounded by water, hard to miss.

Finally, the second NPC village is found some ways north-west of spawn, but like the first one, this one doesn’t contain much loot, but still has plenty of villagers to trade with, and food to eat.