Single Player Commands (SPC) Mod for Minecraft 1.6.4/1.6.2


Single Player Commands (SPC) for Minecraft is one of the essential mods for serious builders. It gives you a lot of extra command for the game like instantmine, noclip, fly and WorldEdit which was previously only available as plugins for Bukkit servers. With so many commands, and no real GUI, it can be pretty hard to remember all the commands, but if you use this mod a lot, you will remember most of the important command in the end.

SPC is compatible with Forge, Mod Loader and PlayerAPI. It also works with the TooManyItems mod.

Command List for Single Player Commands (SPC)

To use a command, pres T and write the command. For example /fly.

/? – help [COMMAND_NAME] – Activates the help message.
/ascend – Moves you to the next platform above your current position.
/bind <KEYCODE> <COMMAND> {PARAMETERS} – Binds a command to a keyboard button.
/bindid <KEYID> <COMMAND> {PARAMETERS} – Binds a command to a keyboard key using the key id.
/cannon [STRENGTH] – Shoots a primed TNT in the direction you are pointing at the chosen strength.
/damage [enable|disable] – Turns player damage on/off.
/debug – not working
/defaultgamemode – not working
/descend – Moves you to the next platform below your current position.
/diff – difficulty [DIFFICULTY] – Sets the difficulty to the specified level (valid values 0-3).
/difficulty [DIFFICULTY] – Sets the difficulty to the specified level (valid values 0-3).
/effect <list|remove TYPE|add TYPE [DURATION] [STRENGTH]> – Configures potion effects on the player
/enchant <list|remove|add TYPE [LEVEL]> – Enchants the currently selected item.
/fly [ENABLE|DISABLE] – Allows you to turn flying mode on/off
/gamemode <creative|survival|adventure> – Changes the game mode.
/gamerule <rule name><value> OR <rule name> – not working
/give <ITEMCODE|ITEMNAME> [QUANTITY] [DAMAGE] – Gives player the selected item, if quantity isn’t specified maximum amount of that item. Same as the /i  and /item command. Item codes can be found on the Minecraft data values page.
/gm – gamemode [creative|survival|adventure] – Changes the game mode.
/hardcore [enable|disable] – Configures the world for hardcore mode or not.
/heal <QUANTITY> – Heals a player the specified number of points (2 per heart).
/health <min|max|infinite|get> – Sets the health of a player to pre-defined figures.
/help [COMMAND_NAME] – Activates the help menu. If no COMMAND_NAME given, lists help commands.
/home – Teleport to spawn point.
/hunger <empty|full|infinite> – Sets your hunger level to predefined points.
/i <ITEMCODE|ITEMNAME> [QUANTITY] [DAMAGE] – Gives player item, if quantity isn’t specified maximum amount of that item. Same as the /give and /item command.
/ignite – sets the upper surface of the block you’re pointing at on fire.
/info – Block information tool.
/item <ITEMCODE|ITEMNAME> [QUANTITY] [DAMAGE] – Same as /give and /i command.
/jump – Moves you from where you are to where your mouse is pointing.
/kill – Kills the current player.
/killall <ENTITY_TYPE [DISTANCE]> – Kills all the specified entity type, this destroys ALL entities (paintings, minecarts, etc) if no distance. As of 06 Dec 2012 this causes the game to freeze.
/light – Turns permanent lighting on and off.
/macro <FILE>[PARAMETERS] – Allows multiple Commands to be run.
/me <action> – not working.
/msg </tell> – not working.
/path [BLOCK][RADIUS] – Creates a path as you walk.
/platform – Creates a glass square under your feet.
/pos – Gives current player position.
/publish – not working.
/repair [all] – Repairs the currently selected item to full health. /repair all – repairs all inventory items except worn armor, if removed and added to inventory, it too is repaired.
/say <message> – not working in single player.
/seed – Displays world seed.
/setspawn [X Y Z] – Set the current position as the spawn point, if X Y Z are specified sets that position as spawn point
/setspeed [SPEED|reset] – Sets the speed that the player moves. Speed also applies when flying.
/spawn <NAME|ID|random|list> [QUANTITY] – Allows you to spawn creatures.
/spawnpoint OR /spawnpoint <player> OR /spawnpoint <player> <X> <Y> <Z>.
/spc – Provides generic commands around SPC.
/su – Allows commands to be run as a specified player. /su simon give 35:14 5 (give 5 red wool).
/t <X> <Y> <Z> – Teleport to X Y Z coordinates. Same as /tele & /teleport.
/tele <X> <Y> <Z> – Teleport to X Y Z coordinates. Same as /t & teleport.
/teleport <X> <Y> <Z> – Teleport to X Y Z coordinates. Same as /t & /tele.
/tell <player> <private message> – not working in single player.
/time [set[TIME<minute|hour|day>]|day|night] – Get or set minecraft time.
/toggledownfall – not working.
/unbind <KEYCODE|all> – Unbinds the specified key from a command.
/unbindid <ID> – Unbinds a command from a keyboard key using the key id.
/w – whisper to a player. not working.
/weather <lightning|thunder|rain[enable|disable]> – Toggles weather effects on/off.
/xp <amount>[player] OR /xp <L amount>[player] – where L = level – Changes player experience or experience level.

To see most of the commands in action, visit the SPC YouTube channel.

Single Player Commands (SPC) for Minecraft

WorldEdit Command List (features)

Single Player Commands (SPC) also comes with WorldEdit. WorldEdit is a nice set of features, which allows you to easily edit the world.

For a full list of features, visit the WorldEdit Wiki.

How to manually install Single Player Commands (SPC) for Minecraft 1.6 and up

If you are not using a mod loader, you can install SPC manually this way.

  1. Close the Minecraft launcher if it is open.
  2. Navigate to the folder where Minecraft is installed (eg.: on Windows %appdata%/.minecraft).
  3. Go to versions folder, copy the 1.6.2 directory and name it something else (eg: 1.6.2.mods). If you have already done this for another mod, then just backup the .jar file.
  4. Open the .jar file (eg: 1.6.2.jar) in the mod folder you created (this can be done by using an archive utility, such as WinRar or 7zip). Copy all of the files from the Single Player Commands into it, except for WorldEdit.jar.
  5. Delete the files in the META-INF folder, except for MANIFEST.MF and close the .jar file.
  6. Copy WorldEdit.jar into the .minecraft/bin folder.
  7. Rename the .jar file to the same name as the directory (eg: 1.6.2.mods.jar).
  8. Rename the .json file to the same name as the directory (eg: 1.6.2.mods.json).
  9. Open the .json file in a text editor. The line that contains the id (eg: “id”: “1.6.2”), needs to be changed to the same name as the directory (eg: “id”: “1.6.2.mods”). Save and close the .json file.
  10. Start up the Minecraft launcher
  11. Create a new profile.
  12. Select the version that you just created (eg: 1.6.2.mods).
  13. Select the rest of your settings.
  14. Launch Minecraft and play!

Troubleshooting (common problems)
If after installing this mod, you get a black screen or stuck at done loading, there are four common problems for this. Please double check all of these:

  • META-INF wasn’t deleted.
  • You have a conflicting mod installed.
  • You installed the mod on the wrong version of Minecraft.
  • You are using the browser version of Minecraft, only the standalone version works.

Video showcase of some of the commands in SPC

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